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  • Dr. Eric Miller

    Dr. Eric Miller

    Honors Program Director & Professor of History


    Eric Miller directs the Honors Program at Geneva College, where since 1999 he has been a professor of history and humanities. His research, writing, and teaching center on American intellectual and cultural history, as well as the history of Latin America.

    A native of Pennsylvania, Dr. Miller spent his high school years in Brazil, where his parents were church-planting missionaries for thirty years. After taking a bachelor’s degree in biblical studies from Lancaster Bible College, he worked in youth ministry for three years. He went on to earn an M.A. in Christian thought from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School and the PhD in American history from the University of Delaware. His most recent scholarly efforts have taken him back to South America. He is currently the project director of a grant that has brought together a team of international scholars studying the rise of evangelical Protestantism in Brazil.

    Dr. Miller’s Hope in a Scattering Time: A Life of Christopher Lasch (Eerdmans, 2010) won first place in Christianity Today’s 2011 book awards in the history/biography category. Along with John Fea and Jay Green, he is the co-editor of Confessing History: Explorations in Christian Faith and the Historian’s Vocation (Notre Dame, 2010). He is also the author of a collection of essays called Glimpses of Another Land: Political Hopes, Spiritual Longing (Cascade Books, 2012). His essays and reviews have appeared in a range of publications, including Commonweal, Books & Culture, Christian Century, First Things, The Cresset, Christianity Today, The Philadelphia Inquirer, and Fides et Historia.

    Dr. Miller and his wife Denise have three sons, ranging from 15 to 23, and are members of First Presbyterian Church, Beaver. An avid hobbyist, Dr. Miller enjoys gardening, hiking, camping, playing guitar, and following the Pittsburgh Pirates, among others.

  • bridget-fox.jpg

    Bridget Fox

    Director of Crossroads


    Bridget Fox is the Director of Crossroads and previously served in the role of International Enrollment Specialist which included recruiting international students and creating on-campus programming for international students. She has an MA in English and an MFA in Creative Writing from Arcadia University and spent time teaching English in Chongqing, China after completing her undergraduate degree from Eastern University.

    Bridget enjoys traveling whether its to another country, a road trip or a camping trip. She loves to stay active through running and hiking, but enjoys a quiet evening with a good book. She is also the begrudging human of a very fat, very grumpy cat named Charlotte.